You may be someone that preps their air conditioner before the beginning of the warm weather season by doing things such as checking the thermostat or uncovering your condensing unit, but there may be a few things you could be missing. Most homeowners do not do some of the maintenance tasks that can save you money on your energy bill and also prevent a premature breakdown of your system. Read on for three maintenance tasks you may not be doing. Read More»
The first time that your boiler breaks down, you may not be concerned. But, if it happens a few times, you have to consider if it is worth having another boiler repair carried out. There will obviously be a cost to replacing it, but probably one to have another repair carried out as well.
In the meantime, there are inconveniences around the house including:
You have to boil a kettle to wash the dishes Read More»
When you think of odor problems in your home, you likely think about your carpeting or using a spray in the room. What you may not think of is using your HVAC system to help with odor elimination in the home. Here are a few of the methods you can use alongside your HVAC system and how they can help with any odor problems you may be having.
Deodorize Ductwork Read More»
When you turn your air conditioner on, you expect it to fill your home with nice, cool air – not with a terrible stench! Nobody wants to live in a smelly home all summer, and odors can be an indication of a serious problem with your air conditioner. So clearly, this is not an issue that you want to ignore. Here are a few possible causes of the smelly air. Read More»
If you are ready to throw out the old, outdated central air system that you have used for years, you may want to consider upgrading to the ductless air conditioning system. Even if you have never had central air in your home before, this can be a great choice. Here are some reasons why.
They Can Be the More Affordable Option
For many people, one of their main concerns when shopping for air conditioning is the cost of it all. Read More»