what filter do you need for your furnace?

When Is The Perfect Time To Replace An Air Conditioner?

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Replacing or upgrading your air conditioning unit can help increase your home’s value. But when is the best time to invest in an air conditioning replacement? Well, you can tell that your home needs a new AC unit if you spot the following signs. Your AC Is Pretty Old AC units aren’t designed to last forever. And as you’d expect, your air conditioner will lose efficiency as it ages. So, if your unit has already hit 10+ years, you should set aside replacement funds. Read More»

Residential AC Installation: Why Hire A Licensed Technician To Set Up Your Mini-Slip Unit

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More homeowners are investing in mini-split AC units for zoning and to cool individual rooms. These pieces of equipment are excellent for this role because they’re small and portable. But their size doesn’t mean you can install them without a professional’s intervention. Residential AC installation projects should be handled by a licensed technician, and your mini-split unit isn’t an exception. Read on to find out why. 1. They Have the Training and Experience Needed Read More»

Inefficient Furnace? It Might Need These Repairs

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If your furnace has been running inefficiently, driving up your energy bills, you should first take some steps to clean and maintain it. Change the air filter, open and clean the vents, and make sure your thermostat is properly adjusted. If the furnace is still inefficient after you take these steps, then there may be something wrong. Minor problems can cause a loss of efficiency without causing the furnace to fail completely. Read More»

Reasons Your Air Conditioner Smells Musty

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During hot summer days, you resort to your AC for cooler temperatures. However, a musty smell that sometimes accompanies the cold air from the unit can be displeasing. Besides creating an unpleasant atmosphere, musty smells indicate an underlying system malfunction. At this point, you should engage the services of an AC repair technician for a diagnosis of the problem. They will examine your unit, ascertain the source of the smell and remedy it to restore your home’s air quality. Read More»

3 Signs Of A Faulty Commercial AC Compressor

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A compressor is a core unit of your commercial AC. If any damage happens to your compressor, you’ll develop issues with your office’s or premises’ temperatures. However, early diagnosis ensures the problem doesn’t worsen. So, you save money you would spend to repair worse problems or get a replacement. Discover three telltale signs that your commercial AC compressor needs an AC repair. 1. The Compressor Won’t Turn On When the compressor isn’t on, you may notice that your fans and condensing unit are on, but your environment is too hot. Read More»