what filter do you need for your furnace?

Heating Services To Finish Up The Winter Season And Prepare For Summer

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As the weather gets nicer, you will be using your heating less. The problem is that you will still need it during cold nights, and upkeep is still needed. The summer months will be quickly approaching, and you want to be able to turn your furnace off and the AC on. Therefore, there is some heating maintenance that needs to be done. The following heating services will help you get through the final weeks of winter and prepare for summer: Read More»

3 Telltale Signs Your Air Conditioning Unit Requires The Immediate Attention Of An AC Expert

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As a homeowner, before the hot season begins, you need to make sure that your air conditioning system is running efficiently. The unit is responsible for keeping your house cool when the temperature levels increase during summer. With a defective air conditioner, your loved ones will have an uncomfortable summer, leading to various health issues such as dry skin, eye problems, and respiratory issues. It is advisable to invest in timely AC repairs to prevent your system from unexpected breakdowns and to keep your loved ones safe and comfortable during the hot season. Read More»

Winter Plumbing Issues You May Have To Face

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During the fall and winter months, your home’s plumbing will face a variety of different threats that could result in major damage or significant complications. Cooler Than Normal Hot Water A common thing that homeowners may notice about their property is that the temperature of their hot water may experience a noticeable decrease during the winter months. This is often the result of the plumbing lines not being sufficiently insulated, which can allow the water moving through the pipes to be cooled before reaching a faucet. Read More»

Stop Waiting Around: 3 Reasons Your Furnace Is Slow

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If you’re trying to save money on your utility bills (or just help the environment), then a great way to start is by turning your thermostat down when you aren’t at home. Unfortunately, putting this into practice means waiting for your house to heat back up when you get home. Even if you use a smart thermostat to turn the dial up remotely, you may still find yourself waiting just a bit too long. Read More»

A Few Steps Involved In Getting A New Garbage Disposal For The First Time

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Residential plumbing is a complex mix of pipes, drains, vents, and fixtures. It’s often difficult to do plumbing work on your own, and your local codes might even require all plumbing work to be done by a licensed plumber. If you’re installing a garbage disposal for the first time, you might be able to do the work yourself if you have experience with home improvement projects, but you might need a plumber’s help. Read More»